Saturday, February 2, 2013

Life Goes On

< I hope you love this one as much as I do! I sang it about twenty times the other day, just so I wouldn't forget it before I was done with dishes and could write it down. To be honest, I still can't say for certain that I remember the tune I had at the time... :P :) >

We met at a cross-roads in life,
But we were going different directions.
We were part of each others lives,
But only for a moment.
The first person that you meet in life,
Won't necessarily be the one who's forever.
 Just look at you and me,
And it's not hard to see that,
This is the moment before life goes on.
We are still friends; We are still really good friends.
Please tell me that you agree.
But I'm not the one for you,
And you just can't see yourself with me.
The first person that you meet in life,
Won't necessarily be the one who's forever.
Just look at you and me,
And tell me can't you see that,
This is the moment before life goes on.

(SPOKEN <or left out; either way. I didn't do the spoken parts every time.> "*sighing* That's right... I'm okay... so... *sighing* )

A little pain now and then is normal;
The wounds will heal and then we'll be okay.
Life goes on, but not forever,
So why should we?
At least I'm better for knowing you,
Than I used to be.

(SPOKEN: *sighing*  yeah... I'll keep singing... Just give me a moment to recompose myself... *sighing*)

The first person that you meet in life,
Won't necessarily be the one who's forever.
Just look at you and me,
And tell me, can't you see that,
This is the moment before life goes on.
This is the moment before-
Life does go on.
My life will go on...
We met at a crossroads in life,
But we were going different directions.
We were part of each others lives,
But only for a moment...


  1. But each and every moment is a treasure. And there is one who will walk with us the whole road. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

    1. Heh, well, I know that Anna, but I think it's important that you note that, unless I explicitly say otherwise, my songs generally have nothing to do with real people, places, or circumstances. But yes, thank you for mentioning that. It's very important.
