Monday, November 24, 2014

Song Of The Day

(I have no idea what I originally had in mind for this title, so I'm just making it up as I go along... :P)

I haven't been sleeping lately;
I've been too busy dreaming lately. 
Dreaming or worrying or hoping; 
They're all the same thing. 
They're the song of the day; 
They're the song of the day. 
I haven't been eating lately; 
I've been too busy grieving lately. 
I've been grieving with a smile on my face. 
I don't know why; I don't know why.
I just can't cry anymore on the outside.
That's the song of the day; 
That's the song of the day. 
So help me sing
Something else;
I'm breaking down,
I'm fading out.
I'm not scared to die;
I'm not scared to try.
I'm just afraid to be forgotten
Like I was never here;
I'm just afraid of losing
Everyone that I hold dear.
So what's the song of the day?
What's the song of the day?

I shake your hand, or I kiss your feet, 
But neither one feels right to me. 
They're both the same thing; 
Too close and too true, 
Too real and too new. 
They raise too many questions; 
I guess I just don't know how I feel. 
I'm not used to being close; I don't feel real. 
I don't know why; I don't know why. 
I just don't show affection on the outside. 
That's the song of the day;
That's the song of the day.

I miss you; you know that I miss you, 
But I don't call, and I rarely write; 
I can't bare the goodbye, 
I can't bare the goodnight. 
That's the song of the day. 
I haven't been speaking lately; 
I guess I just don't know what to say. 
I'll spare you my words if I can spare you pain. 
But I don't know how; I don't know how. 
I feel like everything I do causes you pain. 
That's the song of the day;
That's the song of the day.

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