Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Night The Tears Stopped Coming

< Eh, this isn't exactly a song I guess, but I had to write it down, and this seemed like the place it belonged. It's kind of... spooky? Well, not spooky... You'll see. But I like it; it's my weird "Edgar Allan Poe" personality, I guess. :) >

Someone who was no longer a child,
But not quite an adult,
Sat and stared at the stars,
On the night they realized,
The tears weren't coming anymore.
They thought,
"I could have died;
I could have died before half the people I know,
Were even born.
Do I care?
I don't care.
I just realized my world was made to crumble,
I just realized I don't care anymore.
What's to care about?
If  it doesn't get better,
It can only get worse,
And if it get's worse,
Than this is nothing to worry about."
The stars shone on their face,
But not tears;
That was the night the tears stopped coming.
It happened when a part in their chest,
Expanded like a balloon;
Too full, but so empty and hollow,
You couldn't empty it.
It wasn't their stomach,
Or their heart;
It was just an empty space,
And when that empty space expanded,
It pressed their heart and stomach,
And everything,
Up against their chest,
Squeezing them tight, tight, tight,
Trying to squeeze out the last tears,
But the tears had stopped coming.
So they looked at the stars,
Brushing hair out of their dry eyes,
And whispered, "I am..."
But they did not finish.
When the tears stop coming,
You are not the same person anymore;
When the tears stopped coming,
They did not know who they were.
It was a very hot night,
And it usually is.
Maybe the heat expands the hollow space,
Crushing your inner being and changing who you are,
And dries the tears away forever,
Or maybe not;
Maybe it's just a coincidence that the day you change forever,
Is the day you're sweating like a dog.
They didn't care either way,
And they slept under the stars,
On the hard ground,
Just to prove they didn't care anymore.
They didn't care, not really.
The tears had stopped coming.
 And even if they did care,
No one would ever know.
No one would know what the person under the stars was thinking.
Ever again.
That's what happens when the tears stop coming.


  1. I'm sorry... that's depressing. :P

  2. :P
    How did I know you were going to say that...?
    But yes, you're right, it's very depressing.
    No apology needed.
