Monday, May 28, 2012


< Mostly, I was washing dishes, and I was bored. I probably wouldn't post this, except that the first lines contain bacon and cheesecake. X) >

(BACON!) Cheesecake,
(BACON!) Cheesecake,
(Yeah,) I know you love this song,
Even though it's too annoying and long,
(Yeah!) I know you love this song,
Even though it's too annoying and long.
I think you're phone is ringing,
You'd better answer it,
It might be your mother.
(Oh no....)
(Oh no....)
(Oh...) It's jsut a solicitor,
Why on earth aren't you on the no-call list?

1 comment:

  1. lol I would love to hear the tune for this!
