Friday, July 19, 2024


 Can you write yourself a world to escape to
Where people laugh at your jokes instead of at you?
Where the people who say they know your father 
Can see you for more than just his daughter,
And even when you don't make them proud,
They love you out loud?
Can you find yourself a heart you belong to,
Where you finally feel like someone to look up to?
Where people talk to you instead of just about you,
And they think the things you say carry value;
Where people's words don't make you feel small,
Or wonder if you're lovable at all.
Can healing come from any change you make,
Or is Peace found in the One Who doesn't change?
Human hearts are always going to break,
But the Light shines through the cracks your sorrow made.
The only change worth hoping for is found 
In scarlet on His hands and side and crown.

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